About Us
Chris Wishart at Urban Outdoor Learning started working with young people in 1995 and has been working in the environmental sector since 2000. He has extensive experience of working with adults & children of all ages.
Chris has worked for the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham & the Black Country liaising with schools & community Groups across the West Midlands, delivering environmental management projects, outdoor learning & forest schools and training. He also provides advice on funding & grounds development.
Previously Chris has worked for local authorities as a Park Ranger & Youth Worker and as a consequence has worked in partnership with Sure Start, community and voluntary sector groups, schools, early years settings, adult education colleges and environmental contractors.

Chris first undertook Forest School training in 2004, and has completed the Forest School OCN Level 4 delivered by Forest School Education. He is now an accredited Forest School trainer. Chris holds a F.E. teaching qualification and is also a trained first aider. Chris is also qualified in Environmental Management, he has undertaken conservation activities and trained volunteers in country parks & nature reserves across the West Midlands. Chris is part of the Endorsed Trainer Scheme with the Forest School Association and delivers Forest School training and C.P.D courses at locations around the West Midlands. His courses are accredited by ITC First, an Ofqual registered awarding body.
Chris has delivered Forest School courses at all levels (Entry level to level 3) to PGCE students, young adults with learning difficulties, environmental professionals and teachers. He spent nearly 10 years delivering a full Forest School programme at a main stream primary school in Walsall before becoming an independent practitioner in 2023.